How to manage yourself in the technology transformation puzzle

In my previous post I elaborated on the digital impact on people. We’ll take it from there.

Becoming aware

If you enter a new level, you first need to clean up. So how to straighten things with yourself and not with others? A deep cleanup of yourself brings you to the profound mystery of yourself. It will encourage you to follow your heart because you will recognize the pressure from outside such as globalization, digitalization, etc. and the pressure from inside such as your DNA, your origin, your source, your behavior patterns, your fears, what makes you happy, etc. The pressure releases fears which is like memories in your cells, which you are not really aware of. These memories even contain the fears of your ancestors. Hence, a good clean up also looks at your origins and ancestors.

Like in my case, my grandmother who was Russian escaped in 1918 from the Bolshevik Revolution. My grandfather suffered from World War II when he was held in a concentration camp and my parents escaped 1968 during the Prague Spring when the Eastern Block armies invaded Czechoslovakia. So you could say the 1918, 1939 and 1968 historical events require a triple clean up in my cell memories. New scientific research argues that it can take up to 7 generations which impact your DNA.

In your daily life, injuries from the past can suddenly pop up, depending on which buttons are pressed. Therefore, it is vital that good managers provide more frequent feedback. Forget about your yearly appraisal review, this is an alibi and will disappear in a couple of years. We enter a new period where companies will react on the large wave of burnouts, pressure and reduced productivity by considering the health factor of the individuals. Social and technological progress go hand in hand. Look at the expression “Human Resources”, which today is more related to exploitation. How about changing the perspective and see our employees are worth gold?

Friendly cooperation always pays off and this sort of teamwork puts a different attitude in place. Like Richard Branson’s quote where clients do not come first but employees. If you take care of your employees, they will care of the clients. I would say, companies need to enable their employees to take care of themselves, especially when the gap between the mental impacts of digitalization get bigger in the future. And I am not talking here about wellbeing programs like yoga at work and employee benefits. They are nice but only scratch at the surface. You can see this when employees return from their holidays and are trapped again in resistance when opening their email and wait until the inbox is filled up with the 386 emails during their absence.

What is your truth?

We cannot drive digitalization without the people. Digitalization does not work without people. This is not the same like robotics for example in the Private Banking. I am more thinking of a new perspective. A result from our clean up. A meaningfulness of what you are doing. Do you agree with your company, what they are doing, their values, their culture, how they deal with their people and customers? Who is in the center? People or machines? The subject “human being” cannot be digitalized. The way you talk, your emotions, feelings and contacts may be simulated by a machine but cannot be replaced. People get sick when humanity is missing. If you can combine this with a solution instead problem orientated behavior, you will be able to solve the complex problems. Start from the person being affected to the person who observes. Observation calms you down. You become less identified with the situation. Concentration and stillness rise. How can we get there?

There is an easy entry point. How do you feel right now? Where in your body does the feeling arise? Our breath and body awareness are the entry points for stillness. In this present state, your actions become much more powerful. You will start to feel your momentum. Wait for the signs in your inner level before following your impulse. You will perceive mercy beyond your mind. You will experience when spending your day that 10% of what you are thinking and doing is coming from your awareness, whereas 90% is driven by your subconscious, your autopilot.

The parts we have forgotten in ourselves reconstruct back to our real wholeness, who you really are. This is not what your personality thinks who you are – this is bringing you into presence. It’s like a full contact with your soul. You will become a maximum responsive human being. Compassion rises. The mind excludes, the heart stays connected. You will look at things around you with the eyes of your soul, with a kind of healing presence. And if you are in this oneness, your access to your intuition enables your creative forces. Your perception gets sharpened and you can differentiate between reflection of reality and truth. Digitalization has nothing to do with truth, it only tries to imitate and simulate a fraction of reality.

To keep the momentum, ask yourself every day a couple of times: Is what I am doing right NOW really closer to my goals? If not, stop doing it.

Doing your inner clean up exercise pays off in the long run. You will stay more connected to yourself and less to the things around you. Send your mind on a vacation from time to time. The mind should serve for practical things. You will intuitively know what truth is and what is not – your soul will help you to see behind the curtain. If your heart speaks up, listen to it and once you know where to go next, stick with it.

Your successful approach to dealing with change will not only give you joy, your actions will also become a blessing for others.


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